These gossamer wings
Of transparency
Are unseen to the eye.
You see,
There’s never been a fall
At all, it’s just some dream
Of othering selfing
That angels love
To inhabit for a bit.
They adore being messengers
To those who love to receive messages
And start irrepressibly dancing,
Singing adorations
Rejoicing in as is.
Having unfurled many a
Constricted wingspan
(Some have 12!)
Of many kinds —
It’s clear
Angelics are Herein
Looking quite deceptively ordinary
Misshapen, disheveled, misbegotten
Playing hide and seek
In convincing distressed disguises
That bring out the angels
In some of us, yes?
Sometimes the landing
Of the unfallen is harsh.
We cannot really fall away
Though we are so convinced we have
And guiltily suffer
From bad information
Ashamed to reveal how awfully agonized we are
And how that plays out.
It’s soul trauma
Being tended.
What if we’re all angels
And/or reincarnated ascended masters
And/or terrestrials with something extra-dimensional from elsewhere in the universe?
What if our landing
Scared the living daylight out of us
Scarring us seemingly for life and now we seek
What we are in truth?
Like a homing pigeon
Our systems mysteriously know something
About what’s real that
We’ve lost contact with
Because conditions are such that we do the impossible:
Separate out from the inseparable;
Forget the immensely majestic memorable;
Make it all into something elsewhere we must find outside ourselves —
When nothing could be further from the truth!
Of all the imaginings we could make up — why that?
Why wander so far afield into the shadowlands?
Perhaps to end the delusion of duality once and for all among US all?
Isn’t it already so?
Something is curious — yes? Wants to learn, grow, ascertain, understand fully what potentiates in obscurity and brings itself Home from the farthest reaches miraculously, wiser and essentially untouched.
Is it not freedom Itself that undertakes such adventures and explorations despite Its knowing better?
Why experience dying in all the myriad ways This
everlasting genesis of the infinite Now can experience it?
Why experience all the temporary insanities of the temporal spatial realms of dualistic formation?
There’s a free self-knowing self-amorous awareness conscious of it all
no matter how sleepy we may seem to be that’s awakening
within the myriad formations of Itself.
So angels fall to earth we say, but what if it’s not a descension?
The ascended masters return here to ascend again revealing ideas of up and down
are an essential part of the whole escapade.
The earthborn extra-terrestrials reveal there’s more
than meets the eye to our world.
Angels are still angels doing angelic things, delivering all kinds of messages regardless.
Nothing ever happens amid all these multi-interdimensional happenings of such stunning
brilliance and orchestration unfolding simultaneously as a whole — no wonder there are so many watching the show and participating to bring about that satisfying ending — a cliffhanger,
begetting a new beginning of a new season in the endless cycle of Life.
Rinse, repeat.
Let’s be washed clear of these endless sufferings
of heartbreaking traumatizing embodiments
of generations of entranced human evolution.
Let’s awaken and evolve into the essence and light Being that’s all Heart that we are.
Let’s let the angels of our better nature have their way, the ones we actually are, the masters, the souls with amazing wondrously weird extras, fantastic attributes of the Astonishing One uniquely synthesized in each of US.
Let’s keep focus upon the Essential seeing magically right through its disguises, seek and find all It’s hiding places — let’s not be fooled by all the costumes worn in 7.8 billion human ways — not counting all the other beings of Being that are here.
The Presence Is
Is among us,
Wherein we actually dwell.
Let’s Be Home together
As the One we are —
Let’s ride the arrow
That’s the amazing adventure of return
Whence we never actually left —
It’s impossible. Impossible for us
To do on our own.
Let’s Be impossibly fully NowHere
Inhabiting This garden of a planet
As the Indwelling Itself.
What FUN❣️
That’s not only possible —
It’s actual.
Hallelujah! Let the singing and dancing wildly weirdly freely happen — what have we got to lose?!!!
All the lights here below
Still the Light of the One Here above
Unified by Love.

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