There is such loveliness and challenge in being given the tasks of LightHearted Living! LHL, lol! Yet I am also deeply moved by the suffering and the challenges of my fellow LHBeing, those with whom I am honored to meet, as well as in general, among us all. Among the tasks of this companionship ministry is that of expressing as emissary of this fiery love light, requiring embodying what is given to come through for the good of all, being so released that This limitless Presence can show up as it will. I mention this because in each of our unique unfolding and understanding, the same is true for each of us. These words would not have come to you if it were not so.

Realization and living the spiritual Life requires everything of us. We are in a time of tremendous change and transformation and as multidimensional beings of inherent unity, it is very difficult to remain centered let alone balanced, but it is required like never before. I find myself saying to people to practice the Presence as if your life depended upon it! As a matter of fact, it does. Yet this is also about giving that life over to the Presence. So we have the razor’s edge of determination – profound resolve to Be true on one side which involves complete surrender and letting go, total release on the other which is not resignation or giving up, false acceptance, but a far more radical acceptance of what is/IS.
Part of the journey of this particular emissary has involved deep conscious awareness and connection at all levels of Being, here embodied on earth in an earth walk and all the way through to the profoundly transcendental, the formless seamless sameness of the groundless ground from which we all emerge moment by moment. For me, life on earth made no sense without direct experience of the Presence. When I began the journey I had some little idea of what I was getting myself into but the unfolding has been amazing – full of awe, wonder and mystery right along with struggle, strife and great challenge/difficulty – the Great Mystery of which we are a part. (Go to for recent expression inspired by Matthew Fox on our need for awe.) It is frequently a matter of translating the relative and conditioned to the transpersonal and unconditioned and returning to the personal expressive aliveness of this moment’s existence, shape and form. Free of the conditioned relative in good or bad appearance, the Truth stands revealed…

As a galactic citizen on planet earth, having some sense of what is going on intergalactically is actually useful. Those who have been following my LH expressions know that I play with anchoring what is going on astro-wise: astronomically and astrologically. This is because of Christian Mystic Corinne Heline’s influence who was given to see the dynamic movement of the Presence through the star gates of solstices and equinoxes. So our mother earth/Gaia has her place in the Unfolding Perfection, and we as her conscious life do as well.
We here in the Northern Hemisphere are in mid-season of Fall this weekend aka Samhain. On the inner planes and for us the Southern Hemisphere is mid-spring. These polar opposites are in dynamic interplay in the unified field of earth’s life. We in the north can experience the quickening of the newly emerging life force within us like a pregnancy of impending birth, while at the same time we experience the completion of harvest, nourishment as well as the falling away of what is no longer helpful, of use in our going forward into this new life. In our annual cycle of spiraling movement, we undergo the deep regeneration of our beings with every leaf that falls. Our questions for fall involve what are we ready to release, to let go of that we may be renewed, regenerated and reborn. It is highly useful to live in concert with our place on the planet, in accord with the unfolding Presence as Life cycling around us, to be in conscious contact and participation with the natural unfolding. What is quickening is of the new that is coming to earth from on high, the energies of renewal, regeneration and rebirth are descending into the planetary core, into the depths, and this is so true during our time of the Scorpio Sun.
This weekend we are treated to some very dynamic astrological influences, involving the archetypes of our conscious life: hybrid solar eclipse on Sunday, and an exact square of Pluto and Uranus today. I’ve included some links for those who enjoy reading such things and discovering how they pertain to your own experience. I began a passing interest in astrology that began with a very bright friend in high school who wanted to explore astrology and was studying it. She did my birth chart and blew me away with the accuracy of what she saw, she reported things about me and my life from this diagram of planets, houses, constellations and relationships among them that was startling in its accuracy, that revealed things that I had told no one about, and that also revealed things about my experience. She was just a beginner, and astrology has evolved greatly in the decades since as have astrologers. Funny to recognize that many leaders of countries have astrologers among their counselors–have, do and will, among them that strange man called Ronald Reagan!
This ground-breaking time has great potential for freedom and living more clearly, serenely and purely as we are meant to, as the Presence alive and embodied. The degree of the hybrid solar eclipse is 12 Scorpio which will influence our direction for the next four years or so, as will this square that has been and will be repeating several more times, but is at its most powerful this weekend. This is no time to hold back, delay or deny our True Nature! What lies in the shadow is being brought forth to be shed as the outmoded old model that is and will no longer be in fashion again! We must emerge from the shadow in order to shine as the Light we are. More and more of us are involving ourselves in the process consciously, much of humanity is along for the ride, watching systems and their lives continue to deconstruct without the benefit of a deeper recognition nor with the Peace that passeth all understanding, that still center point around which all revolves. From the vantage point of an earthling, it may seem like a great shadow passes over the sun, that the source of light and life is darkened, and in areas where the eclipse is total, it can seem as though night has come to day. As real as that may seem from this vantage point, from another, the sun is simply shining as it ever has, come day or night, eclipses, equinoxes, etc. We are This ever-shining Presence and the time has come to let every other notion fall away no matter how convincingly real they may seem and instead hold to, or as Saint Mother Teresa said, “cleave to” the Truth of This that Only Is, is Alive and Here Now, with no exceptions! Relax and let This Be.
For more on This and other matters of This LightHeart, tune in to this Sunday’s podcast “Surrender and Die! Why not?! Transmutation & Regeneration”
There’s no time like the Present! (9 Eastern, 7 mountain, 6 pacific)
Phone Number: (724) 444-7444 Call ID: 113501 Direct Link in margin on right.
With great love and appreciation for your unfolding as you are, divine human at times lost in the sea of activity of human life and its demands and distractions, I Am ever with you, within you, and live as you when you relax, open and allow Me. Make this the point of your existence in whatever ways suit you and see what happens!
In the vibrant flowing fiery love light of This LightHearted Being I Am that we are in Truth, meeting with you all ways in the Heart of Truth, ~Anrael
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