Unreasonable Joy
In the radiant dawning of Now
All objects of mind come & go
While Light ever shines
In emptiness.
No idea of thoughtless knowing
will ever be grasped by the mind that arises from within
and subsides like a wave.
The still point center
The eye of the needle
While the tapestry of life weaves
Itself inclusively in deep aliveness, joy abounding
Actively engaged Love loving Life –
The ever-changing formless form – as Is, just perception
After all…
Nothing is real.
Nothing unreal exists.
Who practices?
Who is vigilant?
Who is positive
Or positively unsure of anything?
The mind thinks there is an answer, a way to do This, something to find like many things it believes that aren’t so to stave off not being anyone not knowing and not doing anything. Whence comes such?
The end of the relation teacher-student is nigh … Vigilance, resolve, sitting to drown in Silence are natural movements of Life’s inherent Being.
Papaji said, “the guru is within, abiding in Silence, speaking the language of no words.” And he encouraged everyone to speak and fail utterly to express the inexpressible. How wonderful! “No teacher, no teaching, no student” just This magnanimous play of consciousness in vivid display of ever-changing form of formlessness born. The mind can find no reason for it for it’s beyond reason …
Unreasonable Joy endlessly limitlessly dawning in and through us, all Life in full conscious awareness loving every minute no matter what shape or form the mind thinks it sees or knows something about, likes or dislikes, seeks, grasps, avoids.
The mind is conditioned to want & seek what it doesn’t have … Peace, freedom, love, truth, joy. Isn’t that curious? Conditions are such that our systems are contracted around the opposite pole of scarcity, not having, missing something essential and searching for it outside, in “externals.” Eventually exhausting itself and falling into the black hole of missing something. This isn’t actually depression, though it can feel like it. People are afraid to go here because it means something to a resisting-the-end-of-its-domination identified mind staving off glorious emptiness.
Is it time to join the foolhearty and yield, have you exhausted yourself trying to find a happiness you can grasp & understand, control & manage? Who knows? Perhaps this right now is the moment you stop all strategies and appreciate the dawning deep within the darkness of no self no other no mind no doer and none of the above. Such a mystery of deLight! Such a mind stopping paradox! It’s not the mind’s job to figure This out – can’t. It’s usefulness is otherwise … Wise. Used by Wisdom… Explicating the inexplicable! ???? what fun! This Is the Mystery: This making Itself explicit inexplicably❣ En-Joy the Mystery unfolding perfectly as you right here & now. Why not? Is there anything left to lose? Hmmm… ????
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